2011/12/26(月)Direct 3D の Device の Reset に失敗する。

はてブ数 2011/12/26 19:49 プログラミング::SlimDXつーさ

ウィンドウモードで起動したアプリはAlt+Enterで何度でも切り替えられるのに、フルスクリーンで起動したアプリをウィンドウモードにしてからフルスクリーンにしようとすると、IDirect3DDevice9::ResetでD3DERR_DEVICELOST が出て復帰できない。

>> スクリーンモードを変更します。
Direct3D9: (ERROR) :Exclusive Mode has been taken by other app or other device on the same adapter. SetCooperativeLevel returns D3DERR_DEVICELOST.
Direct3D9: (ERROR) :SetCooperativeLevel returned failure. CreateDevice/Reset Failed
Direct3D9: (ERROR) :Reset failed and Reset/TestCooperativeLevel/Release are the only legal APIs to be called subsequently
Direct3D9: :Window has been subclassed; cannot restore!
Direct3D9: (ERROR) :Exclusive Mode has been taken by other app or other device on the same adapter. SetCooperativeLevel returns D3DERR_DEVICELOST.

がんばってググった結果は、Direct Inputがウィンドウをサブクラス化してしまうせいだとわかった。



はてブ数 2011/12/17 03:32 プログラミング::SlimDXつーさ


using System;

class MatrixLib {
/// <summary>
/// 3Dの[拡縮→回転→平行移動]変換行列を作る。
/// </summary>
/// <param name="xScale">X軸方向倍率</param>
/// <param name="yScale">Y軸方向倍率</param>
/// <param name="zScale">Z軸方向倍率</param>
/// <param name="yawRotate">ヨー角度(360.0で一周)</param>
/// <param name="pitchRotate">ピッチ角度(360.0で一周)</param>
/// <param name="rollRotate">ロール角度(360.0で一周)</param>
/// <param name="xTranslate">X軸方向移動量</param>
/// <param name="yTranslate">Y軸方向移動量</param>
/// <param name="zTranslate">Z軸方向移動量</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static D3DMatrix Transform3D(double xScale, double yScale, double zScale, double yawRotate, double pitchRotate, double rollRotate, double xTranslate, double yTranslate, double zTranslate)
  D3DMatrix m = D3DMatrix.Identity;
  double cosYaw = Cos(yawRotate), sinYaw = Sin(yawRotate);
  double cosPitch = Cos(pitchRotate), sinPitch = Sin(pitchRotate);
  double cosRoll = Cos(rollRotate), sinRoll = Sin(rollRotate);

  m.M11 = (float)(xScale * (cosRoll * cosYaw + sinRoll * sinPitch * sinYaw));
  m.M12 = (float)(xScale * sinRoll * cosPitch);
  m.M13 = (float)(xScale * (sinRoll * sinPitch * cosYaw - cosRoll * sinYaw));
  m.M21 = (float)(yScale * (yScale * cosRoll * sinPitch * sinYaw - sinRoll * cosYaw));
  m.M22 = (float)(yScale * cosRoll * cosPitch);
  m.M23 = (float)(yScale * (sinRoll * sinYaw + cosRoll * sinPitch * cosYaw));
  m.M31 = (float)(zScale * cosPitch * sinYaw);
  m.M32 = (float)(zScale * -sinPitch);
  m.M33 = (float)(zScale * cosPitch * cosYaw);
  m.M41 = (float)xTranslate;
  m.M42 = (float)yTranslate;
  m.M43 = (float)zTranslate;
  m.M44 = 1f;

  return m;

/// <summary>
/// 2Dの[拡縮→回転→平行移動]変換行列を作る。
/// </summary>
/// <param name="scaleX">X軸方向倍率</param>
/// <param name="scaleY">Y軸方向倍率</param>
/// <param name="angle">回転角度(360.0で一周)</param>
/// <param name="transX">X軸方向平行移動</param>
/// <param name="transY">Y軸方向平行移動</param>
/// <returns>作られた行列</returns>
public static D3DMatrix Transform2D(double scaleX, double scaleY, double angle, double transX, double transY)
  D3DMatrix m = D3DMatrix.Identity;
  double cos = Cos(a), sin = Sin(a);
  m.M11 = (float)(cos * scaleX);
  m.M12 = (float)(sin * scaleX);
  m.M21 = (float)(-sin * scaleY);
  m.M22 = (float)(cos * scaleY);
  m.M33 = 1.0f;
  m.M41 = (float)transX;
  m.M42 = (float)transY;
  m.M44 = 1.0f;
  return m;

static double Sin(double a) { return Math.Sin(a / 180d * Math.PI); }
static double Cos(double a) { return Math.Cos(a / 180d * Math.PI); }
static double Tan(double a) { return Math.Tan(a / 180d * Math.PI); }
static double Asin(double d) { return Math.Asin(d) / Math.PI * 180d; }
static double Acos(double d) { return Math.Acos(d) / Math.PI * 180d; }
static double Atan(double d) { return Math.Atan(d) / Math.PI * 180d; }
static double Atan2(double y, double x) { return Math.Atan2(y, x) / Math.PI * 180d; }